There is a difference between the charitable work of Scouting and the program fees connected to programs and services like Base Camps or summer camp. The programs and services provided through the Base Camp model are dramatically increasing and creating a more sustainable future for Scouting. Today, your charitable gift is used in several ways, and we encourage all donors to choose one of these categories.

This encompasses all types of direct support for our most economically disadvantaged and marginalized communities. This includes uniforms, camping trips and activities, unit leader support, books, pinewood derby cars, and other individual equipment for our Scouts in these communities. Charitable contributions to ScoutReach are restricted and will only be used for this program.

These funds are available to all Scouts and ensure that any Scout wishing to attend camp or participate in Scout programs can regardless of their family’s financial position. Last year we provided over $100,000 in camperships to Scouts from every one of our 76 communities. Camperships can be used for all the programs offered through the council, Adventure Card & Base Camp Programs.

Future Development of the Base Camp Model/Catalyst Fund
In many ways, this is similar to contributing to the development of a promising start-up. These funds are used to create systems for sustainability. These contributions are used to open Base Camp North, develop Base Camp online and Base Camp on the go or other improvements as we develop support in these unchartered waters.

Annual Giving/Where Needed Most
Our annual charitable giving campaign (Friends of Scouting) is an unrestricted campaign. Charitable gifts are directed to where the need is most at the time of the gift. They gifts might be used for Base Camp North Development, Online Base Camp programs, Scoutreach, Camperships or directed to other needs that arise as we continue create more program opportunities.

The Legacy Campaign
This is a means in which an individual or group can assist in raising charitable dollars by honoring a leader past or present of their choice through social media. He or she will receive an engraved brick installed in the Legacy Courtyard and their story displayed electronically in our Kershaw Scouting History Atrium. Legacy Campaign charitable contributions are used in the Catalyst Fund unless otherwise noted.

These contributions go to make significant improvements to our long-term assets. Whether it’s a new roof at the dining hall or a new fleet of canoes, we have about 1,700 acres of property with over 200 building and in need of upkeep and improvements. Charitable contributions to Capital are restricted.