Great Eastern District
Please contact Tom Silvestro for any questions regarding District activities or events.
Welcome to the Great Eastern District Page! We have the privilege of helping Scouting thrive in so many great communities with the help of our many active and enthusiastic adult volunteers and Scouters. We look forward to sharing the Scouting program with you!
Interested in learning more about upcoming District and Council-level activities? Be sure to see our Full Council Calendar for all events!
Please join our Mailing List for weekly updates and info.
Upcoming Events
Monthly Events:
District Roundtable is the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, Second Congregational Church, 35 Conant Street, Beverly.
District Committee meets online on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Contact Gordon Forrest for the meeting link, gef_home@hotmail.com
Upcoming Trainings
Great Eastern District Committee
If contact information for a particular District Volunteer is not listed, please reach out to Spirit of Adventure Council for individual information.
District Key:
- District Chair: Gordon Forest - gef_home@hotmail.com
- District Commissioner: Rob Sarkisian - rdsarkisian@comcast.net
District Committee:
- Activities: Tom Silvestro - tomasan@comcast.net
- Advancement: Greg Paul - gedadvancement@yahoo.com
- FOS: Amy Leveroni - amychas299@gmail.com
- Membership: Dave Mazzuchelli - mazzu@aol.com
- Nominating: Roy Gebhardt - rjg3d@comcast.net
- Religious Awards: Frank Harrington - fpharrington@yahoo.com
- Roundtable Commissioner (Cub Scouts): David Siedzik - david.siedzik@gmail.com
- Roundtable Commissioner (Scouts BSA): Andrew Krause - akrause1@comcast.net
- STEM Champion: Kim Sullivan - kimbersul@comcast.net
- Youth Protection Champion: Kim Sullivan - kimbersul@comcast.net
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