All Categories Cub Scouts Eagle Scouts Leaders News Parents Scouts BSA Uncategorized Venturing All Tags ScoutsBSA Storer Training It is recommended that once a scout reaches Life Rank, they participate in a Life-to-Eagle Workshop. If one is not available, please reach out to your District Advancement Chair. Eagle Scout Links Eagle Scout Rank Process …
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Donate Now to the Campership Fund Thank you for considering making a donation to the campership fund. These funds are available to all Scouts and ensure that any Scout wishing to attend camp or participate in Scout programs can regardless of their family’s financial position. Last year we provided over $100,000 in camperships to Scouts …
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Welcome to Scouting! Scouting is an adventure for YOU and your children. For your child, it’s an adventure filled with camping, swimming, learning new and unique skills and making new friends. For you, it’s actually much of the same. You’ll likely find many new friends through your local Scout unit, other parents who are dealing …
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Use your Scouting experience to make a difference! Volunteering is not only rewarding for you, it can change a child’s life. The New England Base Camps and the 7 satellite programs locations provide outdoor education and character education opportunities. The flagship location (Blue Hills – just outside Boston) provides year round programs for families and …
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Eagle Court of Honor One of the greatest moments in the Eagle Scout process is the Court of Honor. This is the event that celebrates your success with those who helped you and the rest of the community. We’d like to share some advice that may help make your special event even a little more …
Read more “New Eagle Scout Recognition Process”
CORI Checks in the Spirit of Adventure Council The Spirit of Adventure Council takes youth protection very seriously. In addition to the policies and procedures in place at the National Scouting level, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts also requires a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) check for each volunteer in any youth program. As such, every …
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Enviado por Francisco Guzmán, Cubmaster, Pack 109, Chelsea Después de una breve conversación con Chuck el otro día, me sentí obligado a poner mis pensamientos por escrito. Espero que esto anime a otros a recordar el impacto que tiene nuestro programa al aire libre en los jóvenes. Cada año, durante la última semana de septiembre, …
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Hace unas pocas semanas, escribimos sobre la disminución de los clubes de bolos y cómo se relaciona con las tendencias a través de América con muchas menos personas que entran en grupos organizados. El excrito también mencionó que a pesar de que hay menos clubes de bolos, el número de personas interesadas en jugar bolos …
Read more “Mostrando el valor de Scouting en las comunidades marginadas”